SPS was awarded the contract to prepare the fields for a new specialised Hybrid Grass turf farm. The farm is located on a sandy area at the former seabed of the Zuiderzee. The area is part of a larger land reclamation and lies 4 meters below sea level. From the start this sandy area that measures 100 hectares was used by the Dutch Government as a tree nursery. It is Gemini Grass' objective to produce approximately 10 hectares of special Hybrid Grass for the professional market.
The works commenced in October 2022 by removing tree stubs and cultivating the land. During the winter a fully automatic irrigation system was installed with a dense network of valve in head sprinklers. In spring a lower rootzone layer was applied to act as as a blinding layer between the indigenous soil and the hybrid turf carpet. Finally 25.000 m² of SPS HYBRIGRASS carpet was installed and infilled with a USGA spec rootzone mixture.
A massive thank you to our partners Juta Grass for the production of the hybrid turf carpet, DLF for the top quality grass seed and Heicom for the production of the USGA spec infill mixture.